viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012

Why to create a new Blog?

There's plenty of information already on IPv6 networking details, possible advantages, risks and adoption facts and statistics. However, there's significantly less informal talks (beyond plain lists) on what's ready out there as current&near-future services for Internet6.0 digital citizens.

I guess most posts will be threads I'll want to keep record about, beyond raw notes somewhere else. I hope this enables me to organize them a bit better/nicer & share, hopefully, for someone's convenience.

The blog is expected to be more useful -if any- for digital services architects and developers rather than networking guys that already have much better places for those topics.

What's the Internet6.0 and why should I care?

IPv6 massive adoption is creating a new Internet, say the Internet6.0,  in parallel with the current one.
It is different Internet space because both protocols don't mix, just as oil and water in the same tubes.

Though there might be translation approaches (v4-v6 and viceversa), in the end the target is to get people, things and services natively in both spaces or just in the Internet6.0 (v6-only world).

My vision is that the Internet6.0 is bringing a total new ecosystem with opportunities and threads.
If you are an Internet lover and explorer, knowing the Internet6.0 is relevant for you!
If you are an Internet service architect/developer be sure to catch up before your competitors do!

Be aware that, at some point in the future, a critical mass milestone achievement will bring services exploiting v6-only capable features, instead of just duplicating what we've already got in the current Internet-IPv4.

Am I an Internet6.0 digital citizen?

Try right now here and good luck!!  :-)

As of December 2012, millions of privileged users are already in. If you are not, you may check this blog to get ready  ;-)

Who you are?

I'm just a guy that thinks that the Internet6.0 is bringing something better.

I've been deeply working with IPv6 since 1999, when I connected Telefónica I+D labs to the 6-Bone (the international IPv6 Internet at that time).
I also connected ETSIT labs as long as both actions were actually part of my project to end my studies there.
In the years 2002-2005 I had the opportunity to propose and coordinate the Euro6IX EC-funded project, one of the v6 largest, where several EU Telcos established a carrier-grade network for trials.

More recently,  I've been coordinating Telefónica participation in the ISOC World IPv6 Day (June 2011) and World IPv6 Launch Day (June'2012). The activity was awarded with a Telefonica Bravo!

It was really great and extremely inspiring to work together with ISOC guys in the definition and results presentations of those events at some IETF meetings. I really think anyone loving the Internet should care what they do on this and many other topics.

Remembering the past is lovely, but I love challenges -especially if related to IPv6- so I'm opening a new research line on how Internet products will be impacted and how they may take early benefits of the Internet6.0.

My current plans include:
- Become a tester of Telefónica ADSL native IPv6 access. Done. I only wish this will reach many others soon and I'm sure it's close to happen  :)
- Promote IPv6 usage in the FutureInternet project (FI-WARE) I work in today, at Telefónica I+D.
- Cooperate with Telefónica Digital colleagues designing products to kick-off "the IPv6 way"
- Focus my tests on 6LowPAN devices, the IPv6 m2m solution defined by the IETF.
  Cooperate with my colleagues specifically working in m2m and IoT initiatives.
- Publish information also in Spanish, mainly in the ThinkBig Telefónica public blog.
- Contribute to the "Spanish IPv6 observatory" as one of the founder members.